[Persons licenced to stay with and attend the king; supplication read and act extended; provision of Falkland Palace]

Prayeris heard and rolls callit.

The estaitts of parliament permitts Mr Seymer and Mr Rhods to stay with his matie, and ordanes thair names to be insert with thois licentiat to remayne with his matie of yisterdayes daitt.

The estaitts appoynts Michaell Elphingstoun and Sir George Melveill to attend his matie as undermaster [of the] houshold for the present, and Michaell Elphingstoun to serve first.

Supplicatioune Mr Robert Ferquhar redd and ordanes the act to be extendit agans Sir James Melveill as undertaker in face of parliament.

[The estaitts appoynts the thesurar deputt to go the morrow earlie to Falkland to sie to the provisione of the kingis hous, and that on[e] be sent away presentlie.]2

[Orders concerning the troops]

The estaitts ordanes Assint to have the charge of the garison whiche is in Stranaver callit Tong, and Captain Williame Gordoun to have a companie out of thoise of Sutherland.

3Being putt to the questione whither the recrewttis shall presentlie marche from the randevouze to the regiments, companies and troupes to quhom they ar to joyne or not, it wes voyced affirmative; and appoynts ane order, conforme to this voitt, to be sent to the comitteis of war in ilk shyre, and ane extract of the haill recrewts to be givin to the liuetenent generall that he may give ordour for that effect to the officiars.

Referris to the comittee of estaitts to give ordors for the troupes in the bordering shyres, viz: Merse, Tividaill and Drumfreis, and appoynts all of the levie be north Taii to marche southwaird presentlie till they com to this syd of Taii and advertise the comittee there, and ordanes thoise of Galloway to marche to the shyre of Drumfreis, and for the levie of the men of the shyre, ordans thame not to returne from the rendevous to ther severall outputters bot to byd and quarter togidder in their several shyres and to be exerceised and dreilled togider until they gett further ordors from the comittee of estaitts concerning thair quarters or merching.

Appoyntis the motto to be upoun the haill cullors and standars to be 'for Covenant, Religion, King and Kingdom'.

Ordanes colonells, rootmasters and captanes of the first or second levie to provyd drumes and cullors and trumpetts.

[Supplications remitted to the committee of estates; orders to the troops; act approved]

Supplicatioune shyre of Dumbartane remitted to the comittee of estaitts.

Supplicatioune brugh of Stirling remitted to the comittee of estaittis.

Ordanes the Yrish companes to have thair localitie quher the committee of estaitts shall appoynt, and they to considder what shalbe the proportione of ther pay, to quhom also it is remitted to ordour the localitie that the same may be mad effectuell to the generall officiars; and appoynts the localitie of the castell of Edinburgh be out of Edinburgh toun.

Act anent prorogueing and collecting of the mentenance for August and September redd and past in parliament.

[Remit to the committee of estates concerning the troops; pass granted to the laird of Mey; list of the committee of war of Haddington approved]

Remittis to the comittee of estaitts to condiscend of the way of interteaning the leifguard of horse for his maties persone and what ther proportione, and the Yrish foott quho ar to be the foot leifguard without augmenting of the mentenance.

The estaitts permitts the laird of May to go home without finding cawtione.

List of the comittee of war of Hadintoun approvin prout in scriptis.

[Remit to the committee of estates concerning the list of reports; act read; laird of Reidhall recommended to the committee of estates]

Remittis the particulars conteinit in the list of the reports [of the committee of billes]4 in statu quo to the comittee of estaitts, with power to thame to decyd therin or to remitt thame to other judicatores as they think fitt.

Act in favors of the laird [of] Lawers, the relict of Doctor Sharp and Mr James Campbell.

Remittis the particular anent the laird [of] Reidhall to the comittee of estaitts, and they to have a cair that he suffer not for his affectione.

[Reports and supplication approved; oaths taken by earl of Caithness's curators]

Report erle [of] Mar redd and approvin.

Supplicatioune laird [of] Balnagowne and others in Ross redd and approvin, the totall being keepit up and commissione granted prout in scriptis.

The erle [of] Caithnes's curators maid faith de fideli administratioune.

Report laird [of] Leyes redd and approvin.

[Supplications remitted to the committee of estates; protestation against the ratification of the lord lyon's gift; list of ratifications approved]

Supplicatioune laird [of] Lethin, Brody, laird [of] Calder and Colein Campbell, his brother's relict, and uthers remitted to the comittee of estaitts, with power to determein therin.

Supplicatioune Home of Bassandeane remitted to the comittee, with power to determein.

Protestatioune maissers of parliament aganes the ratifing of the lord lyon's gift.

List of ratifications redd and past as the same stands undeleitt.

[Addition to the committee of war of Berwick approved; supplication remitted to the committee of estates; provision for the castles of Edinburgh and Inchgarvie]

Additione to the comittee of war of Berwick redd and past.

Supplicatioune Johne Stevingsone remitted to the comittee of estaitts.

Appoyntis the 10,000 merks to be payit to the castells of Edinburgh and Inchgarvie out of the first of the toun of Edinburgh's proportione of the 80,000 merks.

[Provision granted to the clerks and macers of parliament; acts approved; date of the king's coronation; delivery of the honours]

The estaitts appoynts fyve hundreth pound sterlein to be givin to ther clerks and ane hundreth pound sterling to ther maissers, to be devydit be the lord chancelour, lord register, Sir Johne Cheislie and the provest of Edinburgh out of any publict dues resting to the kingdom preceeding Januar 1649.

Act salvo jure cujuslibet redd and past.

Act continewatioune of the parliament to the 15 day off August nixt redd and approvin.

Appoyntis the fyftein day off August for his maties coronatioune.

Sir Charles Erskyne askit instruments upoun the delyverance of the honors to the lord marquis [of] Argyll, whiche the estaitts appoynts to be transported to the castell and therefter to any uther place as he shall receave direction from the comittee of estaitts.

  1. NAS. PA3/2, f.28r-29v.
  2. Inserted in APS. Source unknown.
  3. 'This in one act' written in the margin. This marginal note applies both to this paragraph and the following.
  4. Inserted in APS. Taken from the clause written in the Index to the acts of parliament of this session. See A1650/5/127.