The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 11 February 2025
[Remitted to the committee of estates to draft letter to the king; delegation sent to the king]
Prayers heard and rolls callit.
Ordanes ane letter to be sent with the comissioners to the kingis matie from the parliament, whiche is remitted to the comittee of estaitts to be drawin, keeping the substance of the paper producit and redd this day.
Ordanes the comissioners to go the morrow to the kingis matie and to concur with the former commissioners in ther instructions, and ordanes the Lord Brody and Libbertoune to returne to the king with diligence.
The estaittis ordanes the erle of Buccleuche and the Lord Balmerinoch, Sir Charles Erskine and Cunynghamhead, Patrik Ross and Alexander Bower, and the provest of Edinburgh with thame, to go and heir the act of approbatioune of the treatie proclamed at the croce of Edinburgh with all solemnities requisit, whiche wes accordinglie done this day.
[Additions to the committee for the accounts of the king's rents; additions to the committee for the exchequer]
The estaitts apoyntt the erle [of] Balcleuch, erle [of] Weymes [and] Lord Balcarrais in place of my Lord Argyle, my Lord Cassillis and Lord Burly, and addes Lord Balmerinoch, the lord register and lord advocat, Hartrie and the provest of Edinburgh to thoise who wer formerlie upoun the comittee of accompts, to be the persons whom the parliament would recomend to the kingis matie, that his matie give an comission in the usual way to them (or any 7 a quorum, wherof on[e] of each estaitt) for calling in the accomptis of his maties rents since the last fitted accompts, viz: [...], and to prosecute the 4 articles befor agreid on be parliament, and to try and impruve the king's rents to his best advantage, and to report to the kingis matie and parliament; and appoints my lord advocat to draw the comission.
The estaitts addis the laird [of] Hoptoun, Hartrie, Sir Johne Cheislie and Sir Robert Adair to the comissione for the exchakquer.
[Additional supply for payment of the expenses of the king; continuation]
The estaitts, for the releiff of the moneys uplifted be the commissioners for the kingis use, according to the warrand and publict faith whiche they caried with thame, they appoynt ane hundred and eight thousand pounds to be lifted aff the severall shyres and burghes of this kingdome according to the reweles and proportione of mentenence in the shyres and burghes betwix and the first of August, to be collected be suche as the commissioners shall appoynt. Lykas the esaitts declaires that thaie ar obledged to releive thair comissioners of ther obligatioune of the risk of returneing thair moneyes to Holland, and as for the superplus, if any be, [...].
Ordanes the soume of three hundreth pounds sterlein to be payit to the generall off the arteliarie first, and ordanes the superplus not supplyed for that use to be disposed of be the comissioners for the use of thoise English who ar come to this kingdom and ar debarred from court and commanded furth of the kingdom.
Ordanes the parliament to meitt at three hours efternun.
- NAS. PA3/2, f.27r-28r.