[Ordering the house]

Prayers heard and rolls callit.

2Artickles for ordering the hous of parliament redd.

The estaittis ordanes the severall bodyes to mak choyse of on[e] of thair number weiklie to see the orders of the hous putt in executioune, but prejudice to the constable and marishall of thair richts, liberties and privilledges quhen they shall be present.

Recommendis to the provest of Edinburgh to speik [to] the ministrie that the bells ring moir tymouslie in the morning, to the effect that the weiklie sermones may end at nyne hours, and that a great bell be rung evrie day at nyne hours preceislie for the meitting of the parliament.

The estaitts ordanes that if the maissers or any of them shall tollerat any persone to remayne within the hous efter the calling of the rolls, that the maisser suffering any persone to remayne efter the foirsaid tyme shall presentlie be sent to prison; and if they or any of thame suffer any persone not licenciat to com in to the hous efter the ushing of the hous, he shall be deposed; and if any persone shall presum to com in to the hous contrair to the ordour, that the persone so coming in shall be putt out with disgrace.

The estaitts licentiats a servand to come in to attend the lord chancelar for keeping of his papers.

Ordanes any of thoise who have the charge of the ordering of the hous to tak care of the collections of the penalties of thoise who ar sero or absent, and ordanes thir ordors to begin to be putt to execution on Tuesday nixt.

[Committee elected for the commissary-general's affairs; power and remit of the committee for valuations; act remitted to the several bodies]

Comittee for the generall commissar

Cathcairt, Burley, Balcarras, Hoptoun, Freeland, Riddell, Alexander Bowar, Johne Jafray [and] Mr Johne Hay. The place to be the old exchekyr hous, to meitt on Monday efter sermon, the most part the quorum, on[e] of evrie estaitt.

3The estaittis ordans the comittee for considdering the valuations to meitt punctuallie, and gives thame power to considder the last acts of parliament and proceedings of the committee of estaittis anent the new valuationes and to examine the reports broght in from the severall shyres, and the quorum to be sevin, and to report what they find therin to the parliament.

4Act anent the restyng of certane persones to com within the cuntrie remitted to the severall bodyes.

[Supplications read and remitted to the committee for the bills; report of the committee of prisoners and processes approved; recommendation to the committee for overtures]

5Supplicatioune Henry Waird, Richard Cuthbert, Henry Westerne and Elisabeth Braidwood redd and remitted to the comittee of bills to considder therof and report.

Report [of the] comittee [of] process [anent] Captain Patrik Houston redd and approvin.

6Recommendis to the committee of overturs to call for the overture formerlie givin to the parliament anent expyring of comprysings.

[Recommendation to the committee for dispatches and provost of Edinburgh; supplications remitted to the several bodies]

7Ordanes the comittee of dispatches to appoynt sum of ther number to meitt this efternun to appoynt sum reward to the saillers of Simeon Wandersones ship, and ordans the master of the ship to have the keeping and a cair of the ship that no wrong be don to hir, and recommends to the provest of Edinburgh to try who haith alreadie don any wrong to the ship and report.

8Supplicatioune laird [of] Lawers redd and remitted to the severall bodyes with the instructions, and to be reported bak to the parliament on Tuesday.

9Supplicatioune burgh of Kirkcaldie redd and remitted to the severall bodys.

[Continuation; members of the committee concerning oaths in matters of customs and excise]

10Ordanes the committee of valuations to meitt on Monday at tuo efternun in the new exchekyr hous.

11Ordanes the comittee of the kingis hous to meitt on Monday at 7 hours morning in the marquis [of] Argyll's hous.

Ordanes the committee of bills to meitt this efternun at 3 hours.

Ordanes the bodyes to meitt on Monday at tuo efternun, and the parliament on Tuesday at ten hours.

Comittee for oaths [in matters of] excyse

Marquis [of] Argyll, Lord Burghley, Lord Balcarras, Hyndfoerd, Hardin, Dudingstoun, Sir James Stuart, James Sword and Mr Johne Hay.

  1. NAS. PA3/2, f.9r-9v.
  2. 'Orderis hous' written in the margin.
  3. 'Comittee of valuationes' written in the margin.
  4. 'Bodyes' written in the margin.
  5. 'Billis' written in the margin.
  6. 'Overturis' written in the margin.
  7. 'Dispatches' written in the margin.
  8. 'Bodyes' written in the margin.
  9. 'Bodyes' written in the margin.
  10. 'Valuationes' written in the margin.
  11. 'Kingis hous' written in the margin.