The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 7 December 2024
Warrant: for summoning the postmasters of Edinburgh, Haddington and Cockburnspath to appear before parliament
[Warrant to summon the postmasters of Edinburgh, Hadington and Cockburnspath]2
The estaits of parliament ordanis ane messinger of armis to pass and laufullie summond, wairne and chairge [...], postmaister of Edinbrugh, and [...], postmaister of Hadingtoun, and in lyk maner [...], postmaister [of] Cockburnspeth, to compeir3 personallie befoir the saidis estaits of parliament or thair committie the tuentie eight day of Julii instant, with continowatioun of dayis, to anser such particulars as shal be laid to thair chairge under the paine of rebellioun and puting of them to the horne, with certificatioun to them incaice they failzie, they shall not onlie be denuncit rebells and put to the horne bot also shall incur such farther censure as the parliament shall inflict.
- NAS. PA2/25, f.117r.
- Title not in manuscript. In APS only.
- 'befoir' wrongly inserted after this word.