Charter: ratification
Act ratifying the remission to George Campbell

Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the estates of parliament, ratifies, approves and perpetually confirms his majesty's letter of pardon and grace passed under his majesty's royal hand in favour of George Campbell in Inveraray, late sheriff depute of Argyll, of the date at Whitehall, 22 March 1661, with the act of parliament following thereon in favour of the said George, dated 3 April the same year, together with his majesty's remission, pardon and indemnity passed and expedited under his majesty's great seal in favour of the said George Campbell, of the date at Whitehall, 16 January 1663, whereby his majesty has not only ratified and approved his majesty's said letter of pardon and grace and act of parliament following thereupon in favour of the said George Campbell, but also, for the said George, his heirs and successors their further security, has of new pardoned, indemnified, remitted and fully and freely for ever acquitted and discharged the said George Campbell, his heirs and successors of and for all treasons, transgressions, delinquencies, crimes, faults and offences and all other actings whatsoever, speeches, writings, letters, deeds, attempts, projects, councils or designs done, committed, spoken, written or in any way practised by the said George Campbell, or with which he has been in any way aiding, abating, countenancing, consenting, advising, commanding, counselling, permitting, concealing or any other way accessory, art or part, directly or indirectly, in any capacity whatsoever, public or private, civil, military or otherwise in any place of Scotland, against or in prejudice of his majesty, or of his royal father, of blessed memory, or any other of his royal predecessors, or any of his majesty's subjects during the whole troubles within the said kingdom of Scotland, from the month of July 1637 until 24 May 1660, in all and sundry heads, articles and clauses thereof whatsoever. And his majesty, with advice and consent of the said estates of parliament, does hereby declare this present general ratification to be as valid, effectual and sufficient in all respects, as if his majesty's said letter of pardon and grace, act of parliament following thereon and remission, passed under his majesty's great seal, were word for word inserted herein. And further, his majesty, with advice foresaid, restores and reinstates the said George Campbell entirely against that act and sentence passed in the late session of parliament declaring him fugitive for non-compearance and against all that has followed or may follow thereupon, and in pursuance thereof his majesty, with advice and consent foresaid, does hereby give, command and warrant to macers or messengers of arms to pass to the market cross of Edinburgh, and there, in his majesty's name and authority, relax the said George Campbell from the pretended horning used against him for his non-compearance, as said is, and receive him to his majesty's peace again, and declare him free of all that has passed against him in the said matter, as being now fully and freely pardoned and indemnified by his majesty and received into his majesty's grace and favour.

  1. NAS. PA2/28, f.82v-83.