Act in favour of minors, anent the duties of the lands comprised from them

Our sovereign lord, considering the favourable condition of minors who are often destitute of tutors and curators and, though they have them, yet in respect of their minority they are not in capacity or credit to raise sums of money for satisfaction of their creditors, and it being unreasonable that their creditors and comprisers of their estate, should, during the not expiring of the legal reversion, which according to law continues during their minority, have more advantage by their estate than corresponds to the annualrent of the true sums owing to them, by virtue of their comprisings, does, with advice and consent of his estates of parliament, ratify and approve the act of parliament made in August 1621, chapter 6 in so far as the same concerns minors; and declares that the true meaning thereof was and is that minors, having right to the legal reversion, should be no further obliged during their minority of 21 years of age, but only for the annualrent of the sums contained in the comprisings, and that they lose not the right of the surplus of the mails and duties of the lands so far as the same exceeds the said annualrents during their said minority.

  1. NAS. PA2/28, f.82.