Act in favour of the widow and children of Mr John Alexander

The estates of parliament, having taken into their consideration a supplication presented to them in the name of the widow and children of the deceased Mr John Alexander, minister at Hoddam, showing that the said Mr John, being always faithful and loyal to the king's majesty, was thereby obnoxious to many sufferings and, having died in the year 1660, that whole year's stipend is due to his widow and children, yet the collector of the vacant stipends and his deputes have issued charges of horning against the parishioners of the said parish and the petitioners for payment of the vacant stipend, contrary to the practise of this kingdom granting to the widows and children of ministers deceasing after Whitsunday [May/June] the whole stipend of that year; humbly therefore, desiring the said charges to be suspended and to allow the stipend of this year, and until the kirk be planted [anew] to be paid to the petitioners, as the supplication bears. The king's majesty and estates of parliament do allow to the supplicants the stipend due in the foresaid parish from the time of the said Mr John Alexander's death in July 1660 to the date of this act, as also all other dues resting preceding his death due and payable by the heritors and others liable in use of payment of the said stipend, and ordains letters of horning to be directed for payment of the same upon a charge of fifteen days.

  1. NAS. PA2/27, f.49v-50.