[Act approved; report read and approved; paper from the committee for the exchequer approved]

Prayers heard and rolls called.

Act of posture read, voted and passed in parliament.

Report from the conference read and the third article, containing an act anent a lifeguard of horsemen to his majesty's person and ordaining [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton to be commander thereof, read and approved.

The fourth article of the aforesaid report anent Sir William Balfour's having charge of strangers or native volunteers (against whom there is no exception) read and approved.

A paper containing four articles from the committee for the exchequer anent the king's rent read and approved.

The last article of the report anent the employment of Englishmen who have been faithful in the covenant and cause read and approved.

[List of foot approved; addition to the committee for purging the army; disposal of the 80,000 merks provided by the burghs delayed]

List of the foot to come out for obedience of the act of posture read and approved.

Ordain one to be nominated to be upon the committee of purging in place of [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton.

The matter anent the disposing of the 80,000 merks payable by the burghs continued until tomorrow.

[Oaths taken; continuation]

[Sir Archibald Johnston of Wariston], lord register, [Alexander Brodie of] Brodie, [Sir James Hope of] Hopetoun, [Sir John Chiesley of] Kersewell and Sir James Stewart [of Kirkfield and Coltness] took the oath as being of the committee for [...].

Ordain the commission for the committee of estates, and the instructions to the commissioners, and anent the king's coronation, and the declaration, to be taken into consideration by the conference, who are to meet tomorrow at 7 o'clock and to sit until 9 o'clock, at which time ordain the parliament to meet.

  1. NAS. PA3/2, f.25v-26r.