Act in favour of John Ingram

The estates of parliament, having heard and considered a supplication given in by John Ingram, showing that he has been detained in the tolbooth of Edinburgh these 45 weeks past at the instance of William Aitken in Kirkcaldy for an alleged purse found by him, for which the said William did never pursue the supplicant nor will not, but holds him in of purpose that he may starve, he having nothing to live upon, as at more length is contained in the said supplication. Which, with the report of the committee of bills relating thereto, being taken into consideration by the said estates of parliament, they find by the said report that the said William Aitken and Mr Alexander Burnett, his procurator, was warned to compear before the said committee and did not compear. Therefore they have given and granted and give and grant warrant and command to the magistrates of Edinburgh to set the supplicant at liberty in so far as he is put in by the said William Aitken and no further, the said John Ingram enacting himself in the town books of Edinburgh that he shall answer to the said William Aitken for the said purse allegedly found and taken by him as law will.

  1. NAS. PA2/25, f.110v.