Procedure: continuation

Continuation of parliament

Our sovereign lord, with the advice and consent of his three estates personally present in the tolbooth of Edinburgh on the said day, chose and named these persons underwritten, to the which persons full power is committed by the whole body of the parliament to discuss, treat and conclude on matters that our sovereign lord's embassies are sent abroad for, the marriage of our sovereign lord's sister and other [matters], and to discuss dooms if there are any, and also to discuss other important matters if any occur at the time, and if necessary to conclude thereupon or to refer again to the next parliament or next general council as they shall be thought expedient by them for the common profit of the land, and these persons undernoted or 24 of them in conjunction are to have the whole power of the parliament in these matters aforementioned, and the parliament has been continued until 4 October next in the same force and strength as it is now for these persons.

  1. NAS, PA2/2, f.17v.