Order: in favour of the ministers who are due arrears
Ordinance in favoures of the ministeres that hes bene plwndered and wantes there bygone stipends

Forsameikle as the estates of parliament, now presently conveind by vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and thrie estates in anno 1641 yeires, haveing tane in consideratione the petitione and complaint givine in to them be Mr George Sherpe, minister at Fyvie, aganes George Gordoune of Geicht for the want of payment of fourscoir sevine bolles victuell and tuelffscoir ellevine punds, therteine shillinges, four pennyes money of his stipend dewe to be payed to him be the said George Gordoun of Geicht, togidder also with the complaintes of sindrie other ministeres for want of the payment of ther stipendes and for plwndering of their goods by malignantes and delinquentes, the saides estates ordeines these ministeres who hes bene plwndered of ther goodis or wantes payment of there stipendes be malignantes and delinquentes to be refoundit of ther goodes plwndered and payed of ther stipendes out of the rentes of these malignantes and delinquentes who shallbe qualified to have plwndered ther goods or to be lyable and adebted in payment of ther stipendis unprejudgeit be any decreit foirfaultor or other censure aganes the said malignantes and delinquents in favors of the publict.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.21v.