Warrant: for the payment of £300 maintenance to the garrison at Berwick
Precept and warrand to Clobarhill for 300 lib. sterline to the garisoune at Berwike

The estates of parliament, haveing hard and considdered the petitione of Captane Hew Craufurd of Clobarhill craveing mentinance to the garisone of Berwicke, be thir presentes gives precept and warrand to Williame Thomsone, commissarie deput, to make payment to the said Captane Hew Craufurd of Clobarhill of the soume of 300 lib. sterling for the use and mentinance of the said garisone at Berwicke, conforme to ane former precept and ordinance of the conventione of estates granted to the supplicant for payment of this soume, quhairanent thir presentes shall be a sufficient warrand.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.20v.