Act in favoures of the maister of Forbes

Anente the supplicatione givine in to the estates of parliament, now presentlie conveind be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and thrie estates in anno 1641 yeires, by Williame, maister of Forbes, quhairof the tennor fallowes: To the right honorable the lords and otheres of the committie of the estates of parliament, wnto your lords humbly meanes and shewes Williame, maister of Forbes that quhair ane great nomber of the rebelles and enemyes in the north, be order of the committie of estates at Aberdene, being sommondit to compeir to ansuer for ther notorious crymes and rebellioun, and being for ther not compeirance and contempt declaired fugitives, and be ane act then made be the said committie there wes pryces put one the heides of the most eminent persones and cheiff leideres in the said rebellioun to be payed to the apprehenderes of them, amonges whom Robert Irving, laird of Lenturke, being ane of the principall rebelles, ther was thrie thousand merkes ordeinit to be payed to that persoune quho should apprehend him and present him, whom, with Johne Irving of Hill of Beltie (also ane great rebell) I have now apprehendit and hes keiped them prisoneres thir tuentie dayes bypast and moir wpoun my owne chairges. My humble desyre therfor is that I may be exonered of the saidis captives and that your lord[s] will be pleased to give order to quhom I shall delyver them; as also to give order to the collectour of the shyre of Aberdene to pay to me the said soume of thrie thousand merkes ordenit be the act of the said committie to be payed for apprehending of the said laird of Lenturke, that I and otheres may be the bettir encouraged to goe one heireftir in the service, quhairanent your lords ansuer humbly I beseike, as the said supplicatione proportes. Quhilk supplicatione and desyre therof foirsaid being reported and red in audience of parliament, and the samene, with the desyre therof, tane to consideratione be the estates of parliament, the saides estates ordeanes Robert Irving of Lenturke and Johne Irving in Hill of Beltie, captives abovedesigned, to be delyvered be the said Williame, maister of Forbes to the proveist and baillies of Aberdene, and to be received and keiped be the saids proveist and baillies; and thereftir the saides estates of parliament gives be thir presentes warrand and command to Johne Denholme, merchand burges of Edinburghe, commissar deput in the north, to pay to the said Williame, maister of Forbes the foirsaid soume of thrie thousand merkes Scotts money for the cause abovewrittin, quhairanent the saides estates declaires thir presentes shall be ane sufficient warrand.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.20r-20v.