Warrant: in favour of the earl of Callander
Precept and warrand in favoures of the erle of Callender

The estates of parliament, now presently conveind be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine by his matie and thrie estates in anno 1641, haveing tane to there consideratione the supplicatione of James, erle of Callender, lord lieutennent generall, reported and red in audience of the parliament, desyreing warrand to the Lord Humbie, generall commissarie to the loan and taxt, and Mr Alexander Foulles, his deput, to allow to Williame Grahame of Hiltoun, collector deput for the said loan and taxt within the shereffdomes of Stirling and Claikemanan, in the first end of the said Williame, his accomptes, the soume of eight hundreth ane pund vj s. 8 d. Scotts money only now restand be the erle to him of the loane and taxt of the erles lands within the parochines of Falkirke, Morvingsyd and Slamannemure, the cropt and yeere of God jM vjC fourtie thrie yeeres; and this in respect of the erles publict imployment in the publict effaires that he cannot attend his owne particulare bussines heir, and that the said Williame Grahame is to make his accomptes with the said collector generall and his said deput for the foirsaid loane and taxt, as the said supplicatione fully beires. The saidis estates, in satisfactione of the desyre foirsaid of the erle of Callender, lord leutennent generall, his said supplicatione, be thir presentes gives warrand and command to the said Mr Alexander Foulles, collectour depute of the said loane and taxt, to pay to the said erle of Callender the lyke soume of 801 lib. 6 s. 8 d. Scottis money, to the effect the samene soume may compense the foirsaid soume of 801 lib. vj s. 8 d. restand unpaid be the said erle of Callender of his loane and taxt for his lands within the paroches abovementionat the said cropt 1643, and in respect heirof ordeines the said Mr Alexander Foulles, as collector deput foirsaid, to allowe the samene soume of 801 lib. 6 s. 8 d. Scotts money to the said Williame Grahame and to dischairge the said Williame therof in his accomptes.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.18v-19r.