
Prayeres said, rolles called.

Order: for those who refuse to lend money for the use of the public
Ordinance againes these who are denuncit for not lening to the publict the soumes of money put upon them be the committie

It being appoynted in parliament be the Lord Burghlie, president for the tyme of the committy for barroweing of money, what course should be takine with these that are ordeind be the committy to len particulare soumes for the use of the publict and are denunced to the horne for ther dissobedience, the estates of parliament ordeanes that the messingers who denunced these persones to the horne for there contempt shall make intimatione to them that there names shallbe publictly red in parliament and ther goodis escheat and ther persones apprehendit and incarcerated.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.17v.