Warrant: concerning the committee of war in Fife
Warrand to the laird of Aytoun for puttinge out of the troupes in Fyiffe

The estates of parliament, now presently conveend be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and thrie estates in anno 1641, gives warrand to [...] Aytoune of that ilke to pas with all expeditione to the committies of warr in Fyiff and requyre and comand them, in name of the estates of parliament, to send over withall possible heast these troupes that are to be outreiked for that shyre, and to direct the commanderes cairfully with all diligence possible for gathering togither the haill trouperes and to bring them over in all haist, quhairanent thir presentes shalbe a warrand; and ordeines the said laird of Aytoun to returne to the parliament the eighteine of this instant to give ane accompt of his diligence.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.15r.