Procedure: remit to the northern committee of estates
Reference in favoures of George Morieson, William Petrie, Thomas Nicolsone and Mr Johne Chalmers to the committie at Aberdene

The quhilk day the supplicatione wndirwrittin, quherof the tenor falloweth: My lordis and otheres commissioneres of parliament, wnto your lord humbly meanes and shawes we your servitors, Thomas Nicolsone, George Moriesone, Williame Petrie, burgess of Aberdene, and Mr Johne Chalmer, clerke depute of the said burghe, that quher we are chairged and cited to compeir befor the honorable court of parliament, there to ansuer to such particulares as are mentionat and sett doune in the lettires raisit theranent or as shallbe laid to our chairge, lykeas, for obedience to the said citatione, we have compeired and attendit the said parliament continowally since the dounesitting therof and are willing to wndergo such tryell as your lords shall thinke expedient. Heirfore we beseike your lord to delegat so many of your nomber as pleass your lords for tryeing and exameneing of us wpoun the saids particulares, sieing we are much damnified be our long stay heir and neglect of our particulare effaires and callings, as the supplicatione beires. Being red in audience of the parliament and the desyre therof tane in consideratione, the estates of parliament hes remitted and remittes the tryell and examinatione of the foirsaids four persones, supplicantes abovenamed, wpoun the saids particulares for the quhilke they are cited to compeir and ansuer befor the parliament and mentionat and set doune in the letters raisit aganes them theranent, or shallbe laid to ther chairge, or any of ther chairges, to the committy of estates to be sent north be the estates of parliament to be appoynted for the northerne bussines, quhilk is appoynted to sit doune at Aberdene, the ellevinth day of July nixtocome; to the quhilke committie the saids estates remittes the supplicantes as said is and ordeanes the supplicantes to ansar ther and to keepe sicke tymes and dyettes as shalbe appoynted be the foirsaid committy to them.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.14v.