Order: in favour of the commissioners of Fife for payment of arms
Ordinance in favoures of the commissionares of Fyiff for releife of there armes

Anent the supplicatione givine in and presented to the estates of parliament be the commissionares of the shereffdome of Fyife, for themeselves and in name of the committie of that shyre, wherof the tennor falloweth: Quhairas the said committie of Fyiffe, be ther act the nynt of Apryle 1644, hes ordeaned that there be presently bought and broght home with Robert Whyte in Kirkaldie, with whom they have agried, sex thousand weight of poulder at 100 merkes ilke hundreth weight; item, fyve hundreth pair of bandeleires of selchskines at 24 the pair; item, 1,000 suords monted at 4 lib. the peace, and eight thousand weight of match at thrie shillings the pund weight; as also ordenit that the samene be devydit amonges the four presbetryes of the shyre proportionally and that the committy of ilke presbetry give ther band to the said Robert Whyt for payment to him of ther proportionall pairt therof eftir his returne home and delyverie of the samene in good and sufficient wair, the payment to be within tuentie dayes thereftir, and ordeanes the comissioneres of paroches of ilke presbetrie to give band and releife therof to these of the committy of ilke ane of the saids presbetryes, and ordenit the commissionares for paroches, with consent of the comitty, to impose and lay one the saids armes and amunitione wpoun the heritoures and other responsall men in ilke paroch as they think expedient where the defect of armes and amunitione is in the paroches and where they know the same to be for the maist pairt, and ordeanes the saids commissioners of paroches to have power fra the committy of ther presbetryes to exact the payment of the saids armes and amunitione fra these who are ordenit to receive the samen in ilke paroch, and to impose sicke pryces and penaltyes wpoun the refuiseres as the committy shall thinke expedient, as the said act proportes. And nou seing the foirsaid armes and amunitione are brought home and reddy to be delyvered, it is our humble desyre that letters of horneing may be derect in our names as commissionares to this parliament for the said shireffdome of Fyiffe and in the name of the committie of the samene shyre chairgeing the committy of ilke ane of the four presbetries of the forsaid shyre, viz: the committy of the presbetrie of Santandrois; item, the committy of the presbetrie of Couper; item, the committy of the presbeterie of Kirkcaldie and the committy of the presbetrie of Dumfermeling to resave the proportionable pairtes of the foirsaid armes and amunitione and to give band to the said Robert Whyte for payment to him of the pryces of ther proportionall pairtes therof, and to chairge the commissioner of ilke paroch of everie ane of the saids presbetries to give band and to relive these of the committie of ilke presbetrie. As also chairgeing the saids comissioneres of paroches, with consent of the said committy, to impose the foirsaid armes and amunitione wpoun the heritores and otheres responsall in everie paroch as they thinke expedient where the defect of armes and amunitione is and quhair they know the samene defect to be for the maist pairt, and chairgeing the severall committies of the presbetryes to grant power to the commissionares of ther paroches to exact payment of the saids armes fra these who are ordenit to resave the same in ilke paroch, with such penaltyes fra the refuisseres as the saids committyes shall impose and thinke expedient wnder the paine of rebellioune and puting of the persones sua ordenit to be chairged to the horne, and that the chairges may be directed wpoun sicke space and dayes as the parliament shall thinke expedient, and your lords ansuer. Quhilke supplicatione, with the foirsaid act therin mentionat and desyre therof foirsaid, being reported and red in audiance of the said estates of parliament, and the samene and desyre therof foirsaid being considdered be them, the saidis estates of parliament ordeanes letters and chairges to be granted and directed to the effect before desyred, conforme to the act of the conventione of estates mad anent the provisione and releife respective for furnishing of armes and amunitione, and conforme to the act abovementionat of the said committy of the shyre of Fyiffe of the dait the said nynt of Apryle 1644 yeeres, and within the space and wndir the paines set doune and prescryved be the foirsaid act of the conventione of estates.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.13v-14v.