Order: for the payment of arrears due to Berwick, Roxburgh and Lauderdale
Ordinance in favoures of the sherredomes of Berwicke, Roxburghe and bailliarie of Lauderdaill.

Forsameikle as the estates of parliament, haveing hard and considderid the supplicatione givine in be the heritoures and tennentes of the shereffdomes of Berwicke, Roxburghe and bailliarie of Lauderdaill desyreing satisfactione for the quarteres furnished be them to the armies and payment for tua thousand bolles victuall ordeaned to be furnished be these shyres to the saids armyes and for removall of the armie, togidder with the report of the committy for the leveyes anent the said supplicatione and desyre therof, the saidis estaites ordeanes the supplicantes to give in the comptes subscryved be the officeres conforme to the commoun orderes, that therwpoun course may be taine for payment of the saids quarteres, and ordeanes the foirsaidis 2,000 bolles victuall to be payed presently, and declaires that all diligence shall be done for removeall of the armie, conforme to the resultes and instructiones writtin to the erle of Callender theranent.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.13v.