Committee Members: committee for borrowing of money
Committie for barrouing of money

The estates nominates the erles of Cassilles and Lanerke, the lords Yester, Burghly and Barganie for the noblemen, the justice clerke, the lairds of Litleprestoune, Cambuskenneth, Ayttoun, Garthland and Deanemylne for the barrones, the commissioneres of Dundie, Glasgow, Air, Kinghorne, Archbald Sydserfe and Robert Fleyming for the burrowes, and appoyntes anie sevine of them to be a quorum, there being tuo of everie estate, and the lord chancellour and president of the parliament to be supernumerarie, to be wpoun the committie for barroweing of moneyes for the use of the publict, to whom or quorum foirsaid the estates grantes that same power and warrand in all respectes and in the samene maner as wes granted to the committie of the conventione of estates anent the barroweing of money for the use of the publict; and also grantes power to this committie or ther quorum foirsaid to give order for uplifting and intrometing with the malignantes rentes for the use of the publict, and ordeanes the lord chancellour and lord president to be supernumerarie in the commissione as said is.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.6v.