Procedure: commission to the lieutenant general
Commissioune to the erle of Callender to be lieutennent generall

The estates of parliament, presently conveined be vertew of the last act of the last parliament haldine be his matie and the thrie estates in anno 1641, taking to ther consideratione the many threateningis of invasione abroad and intestine plotes of malignantes within for subversione of religione and disturbance of the peace of the kingdome, have thought it necessare that this kingdome be put in ane present pouster of defence and forces leveyit for defending the cuntrie and pursueing the enemyes. And finding it necessare that all officeres of warr be established for the good of this service, and perfytly knoweing the worth and habilities of James, erle of Callender to exerce and dischairge the place or chairge of lieutennent generall of all the Scotts forces who are in service or shall serve in this commoun cause in Scotland or England, alsweill horss and foot and alsweill by sea as land, therfore the saidis estates, with consent of the lord generall, have nominat and electit, lykeas be thir presentes, with consent foirsaid, electes, nominates and chooses the said erle of Callender to be lieutennent generall of all the saids Scotts forces who are in service or shall serve in this commoun cause in Scotland or England, alsweill horse as foot and alsweill by sea as land; with power to him to exerce and dischairge the said place with all the honors, priviledges, dignities and otheres whatsomevir perteaneing and belonging therto in such ample forme and maner as any other leutennent generall in the lyke kynd ought and should doe. For bettir performance quherof, the saidis estates does heirby promeise to cause all faithfull and dewtiefull obedience and assistance be givine to him in executione of his said chairge in what he shall doe or command, conforme to the articles of militarie discipline allreddy set doune be the estates with advyse of the said lord generall; and incaise of ony damnage ore lose to be sustenit or incurrit be the said erle in his goods or fortunes, ather by accepting of this chairge or in the executione of the same, the saidis estates are and shalbe heirby obleidged to refound the samen to him and his successors eftir dew examinatione and tryell therof, and thir presentes to endure ay and quhill the same be recalled by the parliament, conventione of estates or ather of ther comitties respectively.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.5v-6r.