Procedure: commission for regulating all processes
Commissione for regulating of the process of these cited to the parliament

The estates of parliament nominates and appoyntes the erles of Cassilles, Pearthe and Lanerke for the nobility, the lairds of Coudoune, Toftis and Ballhoussie for the barrones, Sir Johne Smyth, Johne Sempill and Mr Alexander Douglas for the burrowes (or any thrie of them, ane being of every estate, for ane quorum) to be ane committee for regulating all process aganes these cited to the parliament, to whom or there quorum the estates grantes power and commissione to sommond and examene witness per modum inquisitionis befor the discussing of the relevancie and to doe what farder can conduce for regulating of the saidis process; and declares the depositiones sua to be tane shall be usit as probatione eftir the discussing of the relevancie, and appoyntes the first dyet of ther meiting to be the morne at eight hours in the Great Parliament House, with power to this committee or ther quorum to appoynt ther dyetes of meiting and thereftir to report to the parliament.

  1. NAS. PA2/23, f.3v.