The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 13 September 2024
[Answers to the instructions from the Scottish army in Ireland recommended to committee of estates; nomination of colonel of the forces in Kirkcudbright and Wigtown]
The estats recommendes to thair committee to give answer to the instructions sent frome the Scots army in Ireland and to the petitions exhibit in favors of the vicount of Airds and the relict of Lieutennent Colonel Leslie, and declars that what the comittee sall doe therin sall have the force and authoritie of ane act of the estats and sall be als obligatorie on this kingdome as if the same were done be the estats.
The estats nominats and appoynts Robert, vicount of Kenmure to be colonel of the stuartrie of Kirkcudbright and that part of the shirefdome of Wigton whiche is not under the earle of Cassills command, and recomendes to his lord to goe speedilie about the discharge of this trust committed to him be the estats.
[Commission to the earl of Callander; supply of arms and ammunition; reply to the letter from the commissioners at London]
The quhilk day ther wes ane commission past to the earle of Callander to be cheife commander of the forces to be raised within the kingdome, quhilk commission he accepted and gave his oath.
The estats ordains ther committee to provyde and bargane for bringing in of arms and ammunition to the kingdome, and declares that the burden of the pryce therof sall remaine as a publict debt on the hail kingdome.
The estats recomends to the committee of estats to give ane answer to the letter sent from the commissioners at London.
[Committee sent to the north; cessation of the power of the committee sent to the south; additions to the membership of the committee of estates]
The quhilk day ther was ane committee nominat and appoynted to goe along with the forces that are now lifted to be sent north.
The estats declars that iff it sall happen the forces under the order of the earle of Callander to goe into England and joyne the armie ther, then and in that caise and dureing the joyneing of the armies the power of the committee appoynted to goe along with these forces sall surceasse.
The estats adjoyns the Lord Gordon2, justice clerk, Sir William Dick [and] Sir William Gray to the committee of estats. Sir William Dick, being personallie present, accepted and gave his oath de fidely.
- NAS. PA6/8, 'April 10-16 1644', f.2v-3r.
- 'the Earl Lanrick' written superscript to this and deleted.