The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 20 September 2024
Act anent excyse
Forsameikle as the estates of this kingdome, considering that be the covenant are bund in conscience, duetie and for their owne saiftie to contribut their best meanes for supplieing of the armies sent to England and Ireland for preservation of religion, his maties honour and peace of the kingdome, doe theirfore find it necessar that a present course be resolved upon to be a solide fundation for a stocke of credit quherupon a present soume of money may be raised for a present supplie and future relieffe of these armies incaise of necessiteis, and have all agreed that the most just and equall way least prejudiciall to the kingdome and most beneficiall to the armies be condiscendit; and since the way of excise hes beene formerlie thought upon in the convention as the most equal and just way, it is thought fitting that the severall estates meit this night and either think on this way and expediencie theirof, or otherwayes to propone a better way and to report their opinion the morne to the estates.
- NAS. PA8/1, f.124r.