The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
Act anent Wauchton's regiment
The convention of estates, haveing heard and considered the petitions given in be Sir Patrik Hepburne of Wauchtoun proporting that the said convention wes pleased to nominat him or his eldest sone colonell of the regiment appoynted to come out of the shirefdome of Edinburgh, and that the committie of warre of the said shirefdome did appoynt his second sone rootemaister of one of the troups to come out of that shyre; and becaus upon some particular occasions there is no appearance of putting up a compleit regiment or troupe, therefore desyreing themselves to be discharged of this imployment and the same to be imposed upon another, and they will goe furth as privat men to attend the generall for witnessing their affection to the caus. The estates, being weele advised with the said suplication, doe acknowledge the diligence and faithfullnes of the said Sir Patrick in his former imploymentis of this kynd, and doe expect and requyre the continuance thereof, and recommend to the lord generall, when the armie sall be brought togither, to take some course so farre as may be that the said Sir Patrik, his regiment, may be made compleit up, conforme to the number of which it wes appoynted first to consist.
- NAS. PA8/1, f.121v.