Band to the general of the artellierie2

Forsamekle as the commissioneris of the commoun burdens by their act of the date the nynteenth of August jM vjC fourtie twa yeeres, efter compt and reckoning, found the soume of threttie three thousand, ane hundreth fourtie foure pundis Scottis money to be dew by the estates of this kingdome to Colonell Alexander Hamiltoun, general of the artellerie, and accordinglie by thair act of the date the last day of Marche the yeere of God jM vjC fourtie three yeeres did ordaine Williame Thomson or anie other ressaver for the publict to pay and delyver to the said generall of artellerie or anie haveing his ordour the said soume of threttie three thousand, ane hundreth fourtie foure pundis Scottis money, and sicklyke to make payment to him of the haill annualrentis of the said soume quhilk sall be dew therefore at the payment of the same; and the said generall of artellerie haveing now receaved the principall soume abovewritten, togidder also with the soume of three thousand, three hundreth fourteene pundis, seven shilline, elleventh pennies money foresaid as ane yeere and quarteris anwell of the said soume, from the terme of Lambmes 1642 to the terme of Mertimes last bypast in this yeere of God 1643 yeeres, and accordinglie hes geven ane discharge theirof to the said Williame Thomeson in name of the saidis estates of this kingdome; and whereas the said general of the artellerie, out of his affection to the good of the caus now in hand and furtherance of this expedition now intendit by this kingdome for the prosecution of the endis exprest in the covenant, hes at the earnest desyre of the convention of estates of this kingdome lent at the feist and terme of Mertimes last byganes the soume of fiftie thousand merkis good and usuall money of this realme of Scotland of the soumes abovewritten, to be imployed and made use of by the saidis committee of estates to the use of the publict for the endis abovewritten, therefore we, the convention of estates undersubscryveand, doe heirby grant the recept of the said soume of fiftie thousand merkis from the said generall of artellerie, and declares the samine to be ane publict debt dew by the estates of this kingdome; and accordinglie doe bind and obleis us and our successoris, the estates of this realme presentt and to come, to thankfullie content and pay to the said Colonell Alexander Hamiltoun, generall of the artellerie, his aires, executors or assigneyes the said soume of fiftie thousand merkis money foresaid betuix the date heirof and the feist and terme of Witsonday nixtocome in the yeere of God jM vjC fourtie foure yeeres, togidder with the soume of tua thousand merkis money foresaid as for the annualrent of the said soume fra the said terme of Martimes last that the samyne wes borrouit to the said terme of Witsonday nixtocome, that the samyne sould be payed but langer delay; togidder also with the ordinar annualrent of the said principall soume yeerelie, termelie and continuallie therefter, ay and so lang as the samyne sall remaine unpayed efter the said terme, asweele, be vertew of this present act, they not being infeft and seasit as infeft and seasit in the said annualrent and not entered as entered thereto; bot prejudice alwayes of sic action and execution as may follow heiron for payment of the said principall soume and annualrent thereof foresaid at anie tyme efter the said terme of payment be bygane, bot premonition or requisition notwithstanding of the foresaid clause and condition of anwell paying.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.114v-115r.
  2. A copy of this act can be found in NAS. PA6/8 at 6 January 1644.