Act in favors of John Forrest

Anent the supplication presentit to the convention of estaites be Johne Forrest, bowmaker, burges of Edinburgh, makand mention that quher, by ordour from the committie appoyntit for outreiking shippes for secureing of the coast, he hes made 15 dissone of halff pickes for the use of the saids shippes, and he hes also 1,000 piks, quhilks, by warrand, he also made for the use of the publict and all are lying on his hand to his greate prejudice; and quheras he is but a meane servant and hes bein very steidable to the cuntrey the tyme of the trubles, humblie therfoir desyreing that ordor may be geven for takeing of thir piks aff his hand and ready payment theroff, lykas at mair lenth is conteinit in the said supplicatione. Whilk being red and considerit be the saids estaits, and they finding the desyre thairoff to be reasonable, the estaites ordaines the supplicant's piks and halff piks abovewrittin to be tane aff his hands and put in the publict magazine be the generall of the artailliarie, and recommends to the commissioneres for the common burthenes to sie him tymouslie payit for the samen as salbe agreit by the generall of the artailliarie.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.90v-91r.