Declaration: from the English commissioners

The quhilk day the earle of Lindsay presentit and exhibite unto the estaites ane demand from the commissioners of both housses of the parliament of Ingland, wheroff the tenour followes:

A desyre of the English comissioners and the ansuer of the estats

Wee, the commissioneres from the tuo housses of the parliament of Ingland, haveing on the 12th of this instant August delyvered in to the honorable convention of estaits a paper expressing the desyres of the parliament of Ingland for assistance from thair breithrein of Scotland for thair securitie of religion and libertie against the popisch and prelaticall pairtie with thair adherentes now in airmes in the kingdome of Ingland, and understanding the pressing necessities of that kingdome, desyre that wee may receave ane answer thairunto from this honorable convention with all possible and convenient speid.

The estaites declaires that befoir they tak into thair consideratione the paper geven in to them this day from the Inglisch commissioneres, they desyre to know the particular demands that are to be geven in thairupon, and recommends to the committie to call for them.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.90v.