Procedure: prorogation of justice court at Stirling
Prorogation of ane justice court

The quhilk day certane of the commissioneres appoyntit by ordour of his matie and the estaits of the lait parliament for repressing of the disorderes in the heillands for the fyve shireffdomes on the south parts of the kingdome, haveing representit unto the conventioun of the estaits that ther was a justice court appoynted to be keipit upon the fyfteint of this instant at Stirling, and that diverse of the saids commissioners wer memberes of the conventioun and generall assemblie, and in that regaird could not attend the said justice court, and therfoir desyreit the samen to be continewed to some competent day. The saids estaits, haveing tane this desyre to thair consideratioun and finding the samyn reasonable, they have thairfoir continowed and be thir presents continowis the said justice court to the 19 of September nixt, and ordaines letters to be direct to mak publicatioun heiroff be oppen proclamitione at all places neidfull, wherthrow nane pretend ignorance of the samyn, and to wairne all pairties haveing entres to attend upon the said 19 of September with intimatioune as effeires.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.64v-65r.