Procedure: protection to the marquis of Huntly
Protection to the marques of Huntlye

Forsameikle as George, marqueis of Huntlie, being charged be warrand of the estait to have compeirit personally befoir them this present day, provydeit to have fund sufficient cautioune for keiping the peice of the kingdome, and to have hard and sein such course tane theranent as the estaits sould think fitting, under the paine of rebellioun and putting of him to the horne; with certificatione to him if he falyed, letters should be direct simplar to put him thairto. And the said marqueis of Huntlie being oftymes callit and not compeirand personally conforme to the charge, the estaits thairfoir hes ordanit letters to be direct to denunce him rebell and put him to the horne, and continowes the outgiveing thairoff till the 25 of this instant, that if he compeir betuixt and that day, he may be yitt hard thairupon. And for shuning all pretexts of excuses for his not appeirance, the estaits doeth heirby give unto him thair warrand and protectione to be wntrubled in his persoune for the space of ten dayes befoir the said 25 of August instant and for the space of ten dayes efter the samen, dischargeing in the meane tyme all his maties judges, officeres and ministeres of his lawes to burgh and land of all taking, apprehending, wairding or areisting of the said marqueis of Huntly be vertew of anie hornings, captiounes or uther warrand quhatsomever, dischargeing them thairoff and of thair offices in that pairt dureing the space foirsaid.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.63v.