Act for David Leslie's employment in the publict service

The estaits presentlie conveined, being informed that David Leslie, colonell, is come to this kingdome, and that he hes beheaved himselff with greate commendatioun in Germanie where he hes serveit this long tyme bygaine with much honour and successe in diverse imployments of greate charge and trust, and being verie assured and confident of his affectione to the trew Protestant religioune, his maties service, the honour and saiffitie of this his native cuntrey, and considering that in the tyme of the apparent trubles and dangeres imminent to this kingdome ther may be greate necessitie of such a commander, therfoir they find it requisite and expedient that the said David shall stay heir for the service of the kingdome, according as occasioun shall offer. And to the effect he bee not altogidder prejudgeit by the want of the benefeit of his present service abroade, the saids estaits have appoyntit and ordained and be the tenour heiroff appoynts and ordaines unto him the sowme of nyne thousand merks Scottis money yeirlie for the space of thre yeires, and longer ay and whill the said sowme be dischargeit be the estaits; and ordaines this sowme to be uplifted proportionally out of the shyres and borrowes and to be payit to the said David by a collectour whom the saids estaits shall nominate to that effect; and that his first termes payment shall begin at Candlemes nixt inrespect of his present entree at this Lambes, with this declaratioun alwayes: that if it shall happin the said David to be imployed in any service of heicher qualitie then a colonell of horse, this modificatioun shall not prejudge him of the pay due to him in the said imployment of heicher qualitie.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.59r-59v.