The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2024), date accessed: 15 September 2024
Letter: to the king
To his matie anent the earle of Antrim
Most sacreid soverane,
As the estaits by thair letter of the 29th of Junii did acquaint your matie with the apprehending the earle of Antrim and with the depositiounes made by him and his servants, so haveing now resaved from the housses of parliament ane letter concerneing the said earle, with some other desyres of thaires, they have resolved according to thair duetie to acquaint your matie thairwith and with thair answer made thairunto, as will fullie appeare to your matie by the inclosed coppie of the particulars, which, by thair warrand, I doe humblie offer to your matie. And in everie thing which may witnesse my affectioune to your maties service, my speciall caire shalbe to prove myselff etc.
- NAS. PA8/1, f.59r.