Warrant: for trying some Dunkirkers
Warrand for trying some Dunkirkers

Forsameikle as upon informatioun made to some of his maties counsell be [...] Giffin, merchant in Glasgow, upon oath that severall persounes who are now presentlie in the Dunkirk ship which is in Leith were about a yere since in a friggott quhilk broucht over [...] O'Neale to Ireland, order wes geven for sequestratione of some of the saids persounes till they should be examined. And the conventioun of estaits finding it necessarie that this bussines be exactlie tryed, they doe thairfoir approve of the saids proceidings of the counselleres foirsaids, and gives warrand and commissioun to the generall of the artaillarie and to the commissioners of the burgh of Kinghorne and Quenisferrie to call befoir them the capitane and companie of the said Dunkirk ship, and to try the treuth of this informatioune and quhat persounes are in the said ship presentlie, or if any be put away, and to put them to thair oathes thairupon and as they shall think fitting to give warrand for sequestratioune of the persounes, and to report.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.58v.