Procedure: recommendation
Recomendation in favors of Thomas Cunynghame

The estaits of this kingdome recommends to the conventione of borrowis, quhilk is to be at Dumbarten, to grant warrand and commissioun to Thomas Cuninghame, merchant in Campheir, authoriseing him in the interim whill ane conservator be estableished to advert to the priviledges of the merchants of this kingdome treadeing ther or any other place in the Low Cuntreyes, and to assist them in injoyeing the same, and to ingadder such duetis as are imposed upon staple waires and commodities thair, and to be comptable thairfoir to the borrowes. As also with power to him arbitrarly to decyde in all causes of the merchants, skipperes and factoures quhilks useit to be judgeit be the conservator, and quhilk thei for themselffis and these whom they represent sall submit to him as arbitrator, without prejudice alwayes of his matie[s] richt of presentatione of a consservator.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.58v.