Letter: to the officers of the Scottish army in Ireland
Letter to the officers of the Scots armie in Ireland

Loveing freindis,

We have resaveit your letter from the handis of Capitane Gordoun, Leiutenant Colonell Scott and Captain Moncreiff, who have with all instance and earnestnes represented unto us the hard conditioun and desyres of that airmie. And being truelie sensible of the wants and greate sufferings theroff, and willing to ommit no meanes that may conduce for the good of that service and mantainance of the airmie, have thairfoir resolved that some considerable sowme be advanced by this kingdome towards your present supplie, and are thinking of the readiest way for raiseing thairoff. And inrespect that the commissioners who wer promeist to be sent heir by the parliament of Ingland for that purpose are not yet come, we have sent ane expresse for ane positive answer from them anent the satisfactione of quhat is bygane awand to the airmie, and how a solide course may be tane for the interteinment and payment thairoff in tyme cuming. And as the counsell by thair lettere to the lord generall and act of counsell of the 18 of August last, so also wee doe heirby declaire that if the destractiones of Ingland be such as mak the parliament remisse or faill in the performance of the articles of the treattie, that, according to our poure, wee shall labour to sie the airmie furnisched with victuall and uther necesseres, conforme to the treattie; and have thocht fit this heirby be made knawin unto yow from your loveing friend.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v-57r.