[Act in favour of Sir James Galloway of ratification of the gift of nomination of commissary clerks and procurators fiscal]

Act of ratification of the gift of appointing commissarie clerks and procuratours fiscall with recomendation of the commissars in favours of Sir James Galloway, his majesties secretaire2

In the parliament holden att Edinburgh, the [...] day of November the yeere of God one thousand six hundreth fourty one yeeres, our soveraigne lord, with consent of the estate of parliament, ratifies and approves the signature past be his majesty in favours of Sir James Galloway, his majesties secretaire and master of requests, of the nomination and appointing of all commissary clerks and procurators fiscall, with the recomendation of the haill commissars within this kingdome, when either of their places shall vaik at any time hereafter dureing the said Sir James his lifetime, at least aye and while it be expressly recalled by his highnes, as at length is conteined in the said signature of the dait the 21 of October last bypast, with the whole heads and articles thereof. And wills and declares that this present ratificacion shal be also valid and effectuall as if the whole tenour thereof were insert. Extract[ed].

22 of Novembris 1641

Ressavit be me George Abernethie, servitor to Maistir James Galloway, his gift above mentionat.

G. Abernethie

This is rejected.3

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 16 1641'.
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document.
  3. This clause is written on the rear of the document.