The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 13 January 2025
[Ratification in favour of Sir William Forbes of Craigievar]
Ratificatioune in favours of Cragivar2
Oure soverane lord and estaitis of parliament ordane ane act to be maid thairintill to and in favours of his hienes lovitt Sir Williame Forbes of Cragiwar, knycht, barounit, ratifieand and approveand the charter maid and grantit be oure soverane lorde the kingis majestie, with advyse and consent of his hienes thesaureris and comptrolleris principall and deputie and remanent lordis of his hienes secret counsall of Scotland, his hienes commissioneris for the tyme, to umquhile Maistir Williame Forbes of Cragiwar in lyfrent and to the said Williame, now Sir Williame Forbes, his eldest sone, his airis male and of tailyie thairincontenit in fie heretablie of all and sundrie the tounes and landis of Fintreyis and utheris thairincontenit and thairin particularlie nominat, all thairby and of befoir unite, annexed and incorporat in ane haill and frie baronie callit the baronie of Logiefintrey upoun the saids umquhile Maistir Williame and Sir Williame Forbess thair awin resignatioun, and the new gift and dispositioun thairin contenit thairby grantit be his majestie, with consent forsaid, to the said umquhile Maistir Williame Forbes in lyfrent and to the said Sir Williame, his sone, his airis male and of tailyie thairin contenit heretabllie off all and sindrie the particular tounes, landis, croftis, mylns, wodes, fischengis, kirks, patronages, teynds and utheris speciallie and particularlie thairincontenit be virtew of the act of dissolutioun underwrittin maid for that effect in maner mentionat in the said charter and unioun thairof, in ane haill and frie baronie callit the baronie of Logiefintrey, than as of befoir, and erectioun of the toune and landis of Haltoune of Fintrey in ane frie burgh of baronie, for ever to be haldin of oure soverane lorde and his hienes successourss in fie, heretage, frie baronie and frie burgh of baronie and frie blenche ferme in maner specifiit in the said charter, quhilk is under his majesties great seill of the dait at Edinburgh, the twentie nynt day of Apryle the yeir of God jM vjC twentie fyve yeiris, with the procuratories and instrumentis of resignatioun quhairby the saidis landis, baronie and utheris forsaidis war resignit be the saids umquhile Maistir Williame and Williame, now Sir Williame, Forbess, in the handis of his hienes umquhile darrest father of worthie memorie and his commisioneris for the tyme in thair awin favours. And als the act of dissolutioun maid in the parliament haldin at Edinburgh upoun the fourt day of August the yeir of God jM vjC twentie ane yeiris, quhairby his majestie, with consent of the estaits of parliament, dissolved fra the crowne and patrimoney thairof and fra the first act of annexatioun of all kirklandis and kirk rents within this realme to his hienes croune and fra all utheris annexatiounes baith speciallie and generallie maid thairto of befoir all and sindrie the saidis tounes, landis, kirkis, patronages, teyndis and utheris contenit in the said baronie of Logiefintrey and charter thairof abonewrittin perteining of befoir to the abbacie and lordschip of Lindoiris, to the effect it micht be lesume to his hienes and his successours to give and dispone the samyn to the said umquhile Maistir Williame Forbes in lyfrent and to the said Sir Williame, his sone, and his airis male and of tailyie thairincontenit in fie heretablie, to be haldin of his majestie and his successour in frie baronie and frie blenche ferme in maner specifit in the said act upoun the quhilkis resignatioun and act of dissolutioun the said charter proceidit, with the precept and instrument of seasing following upoun the said charter, off quhatsumevir daitis, tennours or contentis the saids procuratorie and instrument of resignatioun, precept and seasing be of or beiris, in all and sindrie the heidis, poyntis, clausis, articles, circumstances and conditiounes thairin contenit, and efter the formes and tennours thairof in all poyntis. And our said soverane lord and estaits of parliament willis, grantis, decernis and ordains that this present ratificatioun is and salbe als effectuall and sufficient and of als great force, strenth and effect as if the saidis charter, procuratorie and instrument of resignatioun and act of dissolutioun quhairon the samyn proceidit, precept and seasing following thairupoun war all at lenth de verbo in verbum heirin insert and ingrossit, notwithstanding the samyn be not sua done. Quhairanent, and with all utheris defectis and imperfectiounes that may be proponit aganis the samyn and validities thairof or this present ratificatioun of the samyn, oure said soverane lorde and estaitis of parliament hes dispensit and be thir presentis dispensis for ever. Gevin att [...].
5 October 1639
Red, voited and past in articles.
11 November 1641
Red and approven be the committie.
This is rejected.3
- NAS, PA6/6, 'November 17 1641'.
- This clause is written on the rear of the document.
- These three clauses are written on the rear of the document.