The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 13 January 2025
[Protestation of the burgh of Dumbarton, to be inserted in the burgh of Glasgow's ratification]
Provisioun and declaratioune to be insert in the ratificatioun of the lait chartour grantit in favours of the burghe of Glasgow, in favours of Dumbartan
And it is heirby declarit be oure soveran lord and estaitis foirsaid that the infeftment above mentionat granted to the brughe of Glasgw, nor this present ratificatioun thairof, sall nawayes be prejudiciall to the burgh of Dumbartan, proveist, baillies, counsell and communitie thairof and thair successours, anent thair liberties, priviledges, customes and dewtyis quhatsumevir perteining to thame quhairof they hawe richt or possessioun, and specially anent the liberties of the river and wattir of Clyde, fishings, customes, ancorages and uther dewtyis thairof competent to thame quhilks ar heirby expreslie reservit and without ony derogatioun thairto in ony sort, siclyik as giwe the foirsaid chartour, infeftment and this ratificatioun had nevir bein giwin and granted.
17 Novembris 1641
Presented be Patrik Bell and consented to that the protestatioune against the ratificatione be admitted, quhilk the estaitts admitts.
- Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.719.