The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 13 January 2025
[Protestation of the burgh of Renfrew against the ratification to be granted to the burgh of Glasgow]
Protestatioun Ranfrew contra Glasgow2
We, the provest, bailyies, counsell and communitie of the brugh of Ranfrew, undirstanding that the brugh of Glasgow ar to obtein in this present parliament ane ratificatioun of thair infeftmentis grantid to thame by his majestie and his predicessors off thair brugh, liberties and priviledges thairin conteinit, quhairby we may be prejudgit in our richts, liberties and priviledgeis belonging to oure said brugh of Ranfrow, thairfoir we doe protest that ony ratificatioun to be grantid to the said brugh of Glasgow be declairit to be nawayes prejudiciall to our said brugh, liberties and priviledges thairof contenit in our ancient infeftments as accords of the law. And heirupoun I, Johne Spreule, commissionar of the said brugh of Ranfrow to this present parliament and in name and behalfe off the provest, bailyies, counsell and communitie of the samyn brugh, asks instruments.
- NAS, PA6/6, 'November 17 1641'.
- This clause is written on the rear of the document.