[Protestation of the burgh of Renfrew against the ratification to be granted to John Shaw of Greenock]

Protestation burgh of Ranfrow contra the Laird of Greinock

We, the provest, bailyies, counsel and communitie of the brugh of Ranfrow, understanding that Johne Schaw of Grenock is to obtein in this present parliament ane ratificatioune off his infeftment grantid to him by his majestie of the landis of Greinock and erecting of ane brugh and baronie, liberties and priviledges thairin conteinit, quhairby we may be prejudgit in our richts, priviledges and liberties belonging to oure said brugh of Ranfrow, thairfoir we doe protest that any ratificatioun to be grantid to the said John Schaw be naewayes prejudiciall to our said brugh, liberties and priviledges thairof contenit in our ancient infeftments as accords of the law. And heirupon I, Johne Spreule, commissionar for the said brugh of Ranfrow to this present parliament, for my selfe as commissionar foirsaid and in name and behalfe off the saids provest, bailyies, counsell and communitie of the said brugh, ask instruments.

  1. Original not yet found. Source is APS, v, p.719.