[Act for two fairs to be held in the town of Jedburgh]

Act in favouris of the toune of Jedburgh for tua fairis2

Our soverane lord, with advyse and consent of the estats of this present parliament, considering that the burghe of Jedburghe hes onlie the priviledge of ane fair in the yeir, and that it is verie necessar and will contribute and conduce much to the weell and proffite of the cuntrie and of his majesties subjectes in these parts aboute iff the said burghe hade the priviledge of other tuo faires yeerlie for the saille of ther goodis and cattell in respect of the great multitude of goodis and cattell in the borderes and these pairtes of the cuntrie nixt adjacent to the said burghe, therfore our said soverane lord and estates of parliament gives, grantes and dispones to the proveist and baillies, counsell and commontie of the said burghe of Jedburghe and ther successoures, provoists, baillies, counsell and commountie thairof all and haill the priviledge and libertie of other tuo faires yeerly to be holdine at the said burghe of Jedburghe within the bounds of any pairt of the landis and liberties therof wher they shall thinke most expedient, the one therof to be holdine upoun the fyfeteene day of August, callit the First Lady Day, and the other to he holdine wpoun the fourt day of November, callit Saintleonardis Day. Lykeas his majestie, with advyse and consent foirsaid, gives, grantes and dispones to the said burghe, counsell and commontie therof and ther successoures all priviledges, customes great and small and otheres dueties whatsomevir perteaneing to ane free fair, with full poure to theme to uplifte and receive the customes of the saidis faires and therwpoun to dispone at ther pleasoure, and to doe, exerce and enjoy all liberties and priviledges in the saidis faires sicklyke and alse freelie in all respectes as they have exerced or enjoyed in ther former faires, or as they or any other burghe of this kingdome haveand the power and priviledge of free faires hes exerced or enjoyed, or may exerce or enjoy the samene in any tyme bygone or to come. And ordeanes this present act to be alse valied to the said burghe of Jedburghe for ther priviledge of tuo faires as if the samene wer past his majesties seales be way of signatour, quhairanent his majestie, with consent foirsaid, hes dispensit and be thir presentes, with advyse and consent foirsaid, dispenss for evir.

12 Septemb[er] 1639

Red, voited and past in articles, but prejudice of the shirrefis priviledgis in thir new fairis as it hes bein in others.

17 Novembris 1641

Red, voitted and past in parliament without reservatione.

  1. NAS, PA6/6, 'November 17 1641'.
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document.