The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 13 January 2025
[Supplication of Lord Forbes for reparation of his losses]
Supplication Lord Forbes, remittit to the commission for the comon burdingis2
To the king's most excellent majestie and the honorable estates of parliament, the humble petition of Alexander, lord Forbes.
Whereas your majesties petitioner, out of his earnest desire to doe sum acceptable service to your sacred majestie and your royall sister for the recovery of the Palatinat, did engadge himself and his estate for the levyeing of two regimentis wnder the late victorious King of Swedin, whose wntimeous deith, togidder with your petitioner's other misfortunes and long imprisonments for the said cause, hath nereby ruined your petitioner's estate, which he wes in a fair way to recover by his service abroad to forrane princes (as is wele knowne to your sacred majestie and diverse speciall members of this honorable house) till the late troubles of his native countrey occasioned his returne, wherein he, his parents and speciall freinds for his and there service and affection to the good cause have susteined many great and heavy losses at home by the losse of his fortune abroad, which wold be too tedious in this strait of tyme to relate. May it therfore please your majesty and the estates of parliament to recomend your petitioner's case and the reparation of his losses to the commissioners for the common burdens and to the secret counsell, that when any good occasion offers they weld further and befreind your petitioner. And your majesties answer and the honorable estates of parliament your majesties petitioner doth humbly attend.
17 Novembris 1641
This supplicatione being moved to the king's majestie and estaittes of parliament, they remitt the same to the committee for the comon burdings.
Balmerino, I[n] p[raesentia] d[ominorum] parliamenti
- NAS, PA6/6, 'November 17 1641'.
- This clause is written on the rear of the document.