The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 13 January 2025
[Supplication of Mr Alexander Pitcairn, minister at Tannadice, for reparation of his losses]
Supplicatione Maistir Alexander Pitcairne to the king's majestie and estaits of parliament, remittit to the commission for the comon burdingis2
To the king's most excellent majestie, the supplicatioun of Maistir Alexander Pitcairne, minister at Tannadyce.
Humblie shawing,
That quhairas I have representit to your sacred majestie and estaits of parliament the great oppressioun done to me be ane great number of brokin men quha, under cloud of night in the tyme of the highe court of parliament, broke up my house, threatned with drawin durks to tak my lyff and spuilyied me of my haill moneyis, guids, insicht and plenishing and left me, my wyff and children naked, togidder with my long and chargeable attendance thir divers yeirs bygane in seiking redres thairof and hes gottin no answer. Heirfore I humblie beseik your majestie and lords of parliament to tak some consideratioun of my distressed estrait and to recommend me to the committie appoyntit for releiff of the commoun burdings, that they may divyse ane way how I may be satisfied of my losis and these brokin men may be tryed and punished, that the crying sinne may be removed fra the land. And your majestie and lordships answer I humblie expect.
17 Novembris 1641
Red in audience of his majestie and estaittes of parliament, who remitted the same to the committee nominated for the commmon burdings.
Balmerino, I[n] p[raesentia] d[ominorum] parliamenti
- NAS, PA6/6, 'November 17 1641'.
- This clause is written on the rear of the document.