[Supplication of Isobel Geichan for trial of her divorce before parliament]

Supplication Mistres Geichane

To the king's most excellent majestie and estates of this present parlement, the humble petition of Isobell Geichan, in all submissive maner sheweth,

That whereas in anno 1621 yeiris, there being ane sentence of divorce and atheris sentencis purchest against your petitioner at the instance of Williame Cochrane, hir spouse, before the commissioneris of Edinburgh upone sinistrous information and deposition of one onlie witnes suborned and corrupted as salbe maid appear, your petitioner hath by all legall means endevored to be reponed and restored against the same. Lykas for this effect she not onlie in the first sessioun of this parliament did present hir petitioun to your majesties commissioner, bot also presentit to the lords of sessioun severall lettres from your majestie writtin and direct to them for reviewing of the saidis sentences and haill proces and deposition of witnesis, whereupone the samine wer alledgit to have procedit. Bot heerunto your petitioner hath never as yit ressavet any answer or redres, tending now to hir utter rwine and detriment and expres against justice.

And since by reason of the saids sentences and great abuses and subborning of the saids witness usit against your petitioner be her said spous in maner forsaid, she hath miserablie suffered these many yearis bygane in a necessitous way of life,

May it therefore pleas your sacred majestie and estates of parliament in tender consideratioun of the premisis and of your petitioneris present miserable estate to appoynt a comittie of sic persones of the estates of this present parliament as your majestie and estates sall think fitt, for calling before them of us both parties and taking exact tryell and ordour anent the premisis and anent quhat recompens sal be maid to her be her said spous for her bygane mantenance and in tyme cuming during her lyftyme. And for this effect that your majestie and estates wilbe pleased to give warrand to the saids commissioneris to be appoyntit for urgeing and commanding of the clerkis to the said procesis to exhibit and produce befoir thame the samine with the bandis, haill minutes, depositiones of witnesis and haill probatioun had therintill, to the effect the iniquitie of the saidis decreetis being maid manifest and appear your petitoner may be restored againes the samine by ane judiciall sentence reductive in this present parliament. And gif the saidis commissioneris cannot compose the saidis bussinesis according to that whiche they sall find just and equitable, that they with diligence report unto your majestie and estates of this present parliament the true estate thereof with there opinionis anent quhat is lauchfull and necessarie to be done, that therefore your majestie and estates may tak suche farder cours therein as you in your judgementis sall think expedient and the equitie of the caus sall seime to deserve.

And your petitioner as in dewtie bund sall daylie pray for your majesties long and happie regne, and the peace and prosperitie of your majestie and estaitis of parliament.

His majestie is graciously pleased that this petition be redd and considered of in parliament.

Att the court att Holyrudhous, James Galloway, this 9 of November 1641.

  1. NAS, PA7/2/110.