[Answers for Sir William Baillie of Lamington against the supplication of General Major Baillie]

Answeris for the Laird of Lamyngtoun2

It is humblie representit to the kingis majestie and honorabill estates of parliament be Sir Williame Bailzie of Lamingtoune, knight, that he canot be urged to answer to the supplicatioune given in be Generall Major Bailzie aganes him becaus the desyre of that supplicatioune is in effect to tak from him the haill estate and leiveing of Lamingtoun, quhairof he and his predicessores past memorie of man hes richt and hes beine and is in possessioune, quhilk cannot be drawne in questioune at the instance of the supplicant upone his supplicatioun and bair pretendit assertiounes thairin alledgit. Bot if any intres or cleame the supplicant can pretend (as he hes non), the samyn is not competent to be taine to consideratioune be the parliament, seeing thair is ane ordinar judge and ordinar way for this and the lyke caices and swa sould not be hard befoir the parliament.

9 November 1641

Red in presence of the nobilitie.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, ' November 9 and 10 1641'.
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document.