The Records of the Parliaments of Scotland to 1707, K.M. Brown et al eds (St Andrews, 2007-2025), date accessed: 23 January 2025
[Report from the committee for considering the supplication for repairing the bridge at Perth]
Report anent the bridge of Sanct Johnestoun2
Tertio Novembris 1641
Sederunt the committie appoynted be the parliament for considering the supplicatioune given in for reedifying of the bridge of Tay: presentes, the Earlis of Perth and Kinnowll, the Lairds of Cambo and Balmaine, with the commissionars of Aberdein, Sanct Androis and Lithgow.
The foirsaid committie, having considered the supplication given in for reedifying of the bridge of Tay, findis the samin ane worke so necessar for the good accommodatione and service of the haill kingdome, being the pryme passage betuixt the north and south pairtis of the kingdome, as the same doeth concerne his majestie and the parliament to tak to thair consideratione for the good of the countrey. And for advancing and effectuating of this worke, the committie foirsaid thought it expedient to represent to the consideratione of the kingis majestie and parliament the overtures following viz:
[1.] The said comittie think that ane hundreth thowsand poundis Scotis may be a competent sowme to be put in stoke for advancing of this worke.
2. Seing his majestie has bein pleased gratiously out of his royall bountie and pious charitie for so good a worke to promise the sowme of fiftie thowsand merkes for advancing thairof, the comittie foirsaid think it expedient that his majestie may be supplicat to give ordour anent the payment of the said sowme in such maner and way as his majestie in his princely wisdome sall think expedient.
3. And as for the other ane hundreth thowsand merkis, the committie think expedient to represent to his majestie and the parliament that ane full yeirs crope and rent of the haill bishopriks of Scotland may be allowed and dispensed with be his majestie and the parliament for advancing of this worke, quhairin their can be no great domage to these quho ar to have the benefit of the saidis bishopis rentis, seeing they will fall in to the universities and other pious uses for quhilk they ar to be destinat efter the expyring of this present yeirs crope and befoir the saidis universities etc. can be visited and put in richt ordour.
4. The comittie thought it lykwayis expedient to represent to the consideration of his majestie and the parliament if the quotes of testamentis and annuities of teindis for so many yeiris bygane and to come as salbe thought fitt for making up the said sowme may be allotted for advancing so good and necessar a worke.
5. It is also thought fitting to be represented to his majestie and the parliament thair consideratione if a pairt of the bygane taxationes restand unpayed may be assigned and allotted for helping to mak up the foirsaid sowme for so pious a worke.
6. It is lykwayis thought expedient be the committie that it be represented to his majestie and the parliament thair consideratione if ane taxatione may be equally imposed upon the haill kingdome of twentie shillingis upon ilk pound land for the space of ane yeir, or of tenn shillingis upon ilk pound land for the space of tuo yeiris. Quhilk sowme (as is thought) may mak up the foirsaid sowme of ane hundreth thowsand merkis in the surest and most equall way.
7. For the place and maner of building the said bridge, the committie think it fitt that the samen be left to the consideratione of workemen and artificers of best judgment and understanding be the advyse of the comittie that salbe appoynted be the king and the parliament for having cair of the said worke.
These abovewreatin overtures ar only humbly represented to the consideratione of his majestie and the parliament to be considered as they find fitting, that his majestie and the parliament may make choise of which of these overtures they think most expedient without prejudice of any other or better overture for effectuating of the said so necessar, so pious and so charitable a worke.
4 November 1641
It is the opinione of the barones that all bygain taxationes and annuities bygain and in tyme cuming being dischairgeit, the haill kingdome will voluntarlie tax thameselffes for so much as will reedifie the bridge.
5 November 1641
Red in audience of his majestie and estaittes of parliament, who appointis ane double therof to be gevin to everie estate and also to the king's advocat.3
- NAS, PA6/5, 'November 5 1641'.
- This clause is written on the rear of the document.
- There are three copies of this report contained in PA6/5. All seem basically identical with the exception of spelling, punctuation etc. The text used here comes from the third manuscript, the only version with endorsements from parliament.