[Supplication of John Henderson for liberty to leave Edinburgh]

Supplication Johne Hendersone2

My lords and wtheris of this present heigh court of parliament, wnto your lord humblie meanis and schawis I, your lordship servitor, Jhone Hendersone, servitor to the Earll of Athoill, that quhair at the command of the committie of estaitis of parliament I haveing cumid to this bruch of Edinburgh about aughteine weikis bypast, befoir quhome I haveing compeired and being examinat, I was commandit to stay and abyd within the said bruch and not to remove thairfra without licence. And sieing I have stayit heir so long now be the said space of auchteine weikis, attending quhat was to have been demandit of me, and that nothing has farder proceidit nor done, and that my staying heir so long hes tendit to my great hurt, prejudice and damnage, heirfoir I humblie beseik your lordship to have consideratioun heirof and to grant licence and warrand to me to repair home or els quhair for doeing of my lawfull effairis and busines, and that I may pas and repas. And your lords answer humblie I crave.

4 November 1641

The king's majestie and estaittis of parliament graunt libertie to the supplicant to goe whair he pleasis, he acting himselfe to compeer agane upon the first day of Januar next or sooner when he shall be requyred.

Balmerino, I[n] p[raesentia] c[oncilii] d[ominorum]

The 4th of November 1641, I, Johne Hendersone, becomes [...]3 in name and to the effect contenit in the above written delyverance be the presence, written and subscryvand with my hand.

J. Hendersone4

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 4 1641'.
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document.
  3. A few words are lost in the binding of the volume.
  4. This clause is written on the rear of the document.