[Letter to the king from Viscount Chichester regarding the Irish rebellion]

Most gracious soveraigne,

May it pleas your majestie, I have adverteisment from credible persones that certane septs of the Irische of good qualitie in these northerne parts of your majesties kingdome of Ireland two nights last past did ryse with force and have takine Charlemount, Donganon, Tonrages and the Newrie with your majestie store thair, tounes all of good consequence, the fardest within fourtie myles of this place;, and have slaine onely one man, and that thay ar advancing neirer into these parts. And that this last night of all thair hath beine some great fyres so near as wer decerned from this place, and that your majesties evill affected subjects of that natione doe resort to thame and adde muche to thair number. What the intent is cannot at present be conceaved, bot these septs ar all of the Romische religione. I have for the present given adverteisment heirof throughout these parts that your majestie good subjects may put thameselffis into a way for the defence and preservatione of the countrey untill further course may be taken to suppress thame. I have lykwayes commandit your majesties forces in these parts to be in readines in thair severall garisones to defend the place and to suppress the outrages if ony salbe thair attempted, and have layd the best guaird that for the present canbe gottin to preserve your majesties store at Carrigfergus, and salbe utherwayes als watchefull and diligent as I may to contribute my best assistance everie way to the suppressing of these tumultes. This is all that at the present is done and all the certane relatione I am able to give your majestie thairof, notwithstanding I have humblie thought it my dewtie to present thes thingis to your majestie that in your great wisdome some course may be takin in tyme to curbe these insolencies whiche uthairwayes may grow to a greater head. This bearer, Maistir Shiells, a Scottischman and one quhome we conceave a loyall and true subject of your majestie, will give your majestie more particular relatione of the passages. I beseiche your majesties pardon if in any thing I have heirin transgrest, these proceiding from the loyall heart and affectiones of him that evir prayis for your majesties long and prosperous raigne over ws in muche tranquillitie and happines.

Your majesties faithfull and loyall subject and servand, Edward Chichester, Belfast, 24 October 1641

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'October 28 and 29 1641'.