[Amendments to the commission of plantation of kirks, valuation of teinds and ministers' stipends from the committee for the overtures to the kirk]

23 Octobers 1641

At the meitting of the committie of the parliament anent the commissioun

1. Anent the first remark, it is the opinioun of the committie that the wordis be thir, viz: 'renewis and grantis etc.'

2. That the narrative mak onlie relatioun to the supplicatioun gevin in by the generall assemblie in generall, and that inrespect thairof commissioun is renewit and grauntit with the additiounes and restrictiounes in maner efterspecifit.

3. That all kirkis to the quhilkis, and teindis thairof, bischopis haid richt during the tyme of the former commissioun and war not provydit be the said commission to the quantatie of 800 merkis or 8 chalder victuall may be now suppleit with the quantatie foirsaid, quhair the samen may be convenientlie had out of the teindis of thair awin parochinis; or quhair the teindis of the parochin is not suffificient of it selff, out of the teindis and rentis of the bischoprikis quhairof these ar kirkis.

That augmentioun may be grantit to all ministeris quhois kirkis come not in to be provydit by the formar commissioun and hes not the full quantatie of 8 chalderis victuall or 800 merkis money alreddie. And that all kirkis quhilkis, and the teindis thairof, pertenit to bischopis the tyme of the formar commission and war provydit to ane less quantatie nor 8 chalderis victuall or 800 merkis may be now supplied with the full quantatie foirsaid, quhair the same may be had within thair awin parochin. And quhair the same can not be had in thair awin parochin, inrespect the teindis thairof in haill or in pairt are fewit with the landis cum decimis inclusis, and als quhair the ministeris of ony bischopis kirkis was provydit to any greitter stipende of befoir and in possessioun of the same and war thairefter diminisched in ony pairt thairof by ony preceiding commissioune, that in ather of these caices these kirkis may be supplieit in the quantatie foirsaid out of the teindis of the other kirkis perteining to the bischoprikis quhairof these are kirkis.

And that incaice the valuatiounes alreddie led the tyme of the provisioun of the saidis kirkis quhilk wantit the full mantenance as said is sall happin to be reduced upon the reasounes contenit in the actis of parliament and commissiounes foirsaidis and according thairto, that in that caice the ministeris of the saidis kirkis sall have thair supplie to the full quantatie foirsaid according to the trew valuatiounes of the teindis or efter the said reductioun. And siclyke it is declaired that it salbe lauchfull to the ministeris of the kirkis quhilkis hes not the full quantatie of 8 chaldaris victuall or 800 merkis to intent actioun aganis all pairteis haveand entres, to heir and sie the said full quantatie decernit to be gevin to thame and that upoun this reasoun allanerlie: that they offer to prove fraud and collusioun betuix the minister and the titularis, and that this be provin be writt or aith of pairtie allanerlie.

  1. NAS, PA6/7, 'Appendix, October 23 1641'.