[Supplication of Adam Blair for exoneration of his carriage in the treaty negotiations]

To the kinges most excellent majestie and the honorabill house of parliament, the humble petition of Adam Blair,

Humblie sheweth,

That whaire I was imployed as clerk to the lords and others commissioners for the treatie and have, according to my power, exerted the said office thir ten monthes bygane; and now, seing it hath pleased God to bring the said treatie to an happie conclussion, doe therefore humelie entreat your majestie and this honorabill house of parliament to tak triell of my careage in the said imployment and either to censure me if I shall be fund to have omitted any thing entrusted to my charge, or to have comitted any thing to the prejudice of your majestie and the kingdome, or otherwayes to approve my proceedings as they shall be fund to deserve. And I as in dewtie bund shall alwayes pray etc.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 25 1641'.